Wednesday, October 9, 2019

How to Install Viber on Ubuntu if we have .deb file of Viber setup

As we want to install viber.deb file downloaded from viber download site.To succesfully install it with dependencies to get install automatically , we should follow the following step.

1. dpkg -l /root/viber.deb

above command may give you error messages due to dependencies issues.To install dependenices and viber package we need to run following command.

2.  apt install -f   

above command will rectify the broken issues of above command and install the dependencies and also the viber package.

3. Now you can run viber and start writing messages on it.


Tuesday, April 19, 2011

How to configure BIND(DNS) server in RHEL5

What is DNS ?

DNS stands for Domain Name Service/Server.Now what is the use of Dns server in a network .Now again a question comes in our mind that is wheather we use dns in a workgroup or in a client server design of network, so the right answer is we can use dns in any network design.

Now the main concern is what is dns all about or why one should go for dns in a network design

DNS is actually a name database which store name to ip records.Name can be a computer name,website name or alias or cname etc.

Now to configure DNS or BIND server in RHEL5 first you need to install some packages in your RHEL pc.

list of packages are:-

1. bind-9.2.2.P3-9.i386.rpm (version depends on your rhel you are using.)
2. bind-chroot* (* means any version number depend Rhel you are using).

Now to install these packages you need to use rpm command or yum if you have yum sever in your network or on local system.

rpm command will be like as follows:-

rpm -ivh bind-9.2.2.P3-9.i386.rpm

rpm -ivh bind-chroot*

Monday, January 24, 2011

How to run internet in RHEL5 using mobile phone (nokia ,samsung etc)

In windows we can use pcsuite or ovi software from nokia or some other softwares to configure your mobile phone to work as a modem and run internet over PC.But if your PC has RHEL5 or some other Linux OS then how you can use your phone to connect to internet and run internet on PC.So Iam giving you steps how to configure your linux pc to use your nokia or some other mobile phone as a modem and connect to internet .Wvdial is the utility which is use to do this.

1.Login with root and run the following command:

wvdialconf /etc/wvdial.conf

this command detect your phone as a modem and create the wvdial.conf file.

2. Now open this file with the following command

vim /etc/wvdial.conf

and do the following entry with your phone connection service provider settings:-

[Dialer Defaults]
Init1 = ATZ
Init2 = ATQ0 V1 E1 S0=0 &C1 &D2
Init3 = AT+CGDCONT=1,"IP",""
Modem Type = USB Modem
Baud = 460800
New PPPD = yes
Modem = /dev/ttyACM1
ISDN = 0
Phone = *99***1#
Username = a
Password = b

Monday, January 10, 2011

How to use Find command in RHEL 5

Find Command in actually use to search out any file or directory depends on what searching directory (path) you define,if u dont define any searching directory (path) than your current working directory (cwd) will be lookout.

Syntax of FIND command is :--

find [path] [expression]

Wednesday, December 8, 2010


PXE server helps to install the operating systems through network boot. Its very useful and very time saving.

This post tells how to configure a PXE Server in Redhat linux and other variants.
###PXE Configuration###

dhcp + tftp + syslinux

###Install the packages###
#yum -y install dhcp*
#yum -y install tftp*
#yum -y install syslinux*

###Open the dhcp configuration file and add the following###
#vi /etc/dhcpd.conf
range From To

allow booting;
allow bootp;
filename "pxelinux.0";

###Copy the pxlinux.0 file to /tftpboot###
#cd /tftpboot
#cp /usr/lib/syslinux/pxelinux.0 .

###Copy the kernel and initrd.img files from DVD[/media/images/pxeboot/] to /tftpboot/###
#cp -rv /media/images/pxeboot/initrd.img .
#cp -rv /media/images/pxeboot/vmlinuz .

###Add kickstart file to /tftpboot/###
#vi ks.cfg Only if wanted. Otherwise you have to do attended remote installation.
nfs --server --dir /media/rhel5 Just an example line!

###Create PXE configuration directory###
#mkdir /tftpboot/pxelinux.cfg/
#cd /tftpboot/pxelinux.cfg/

###Create PXE configuration file### That is ###/tftpboot/pxelinux.cfg/default file###
#vi default
PROMPT 1 To give the prompt [boot: ]. Otherwise it will automatically install the default label
DISPLAY boot.msg It shows the 1st window for options.
TIMEOUT 100 Wait for the choice this much time and after that will continue with deafult.
DEFAULT main Defines the main installation method. The default one.
ONERROR LOCALBOOT 0 Asking me? Google it :P

LABEL main The declaration of main label. In case if we didint give choice, this will execute.
KERNEL vmlinuz If in /tftpboot/ directory. If it is in /tftpboot/RHEL5-NFS u've to give RHEL5-NFS/vmlinuz
APPEND initrd=initrd.img Path of initrd.img.
KERNEL Kernel location of choice 1 in boot.msg
APPEND Location of initrd.img

An Example
kernel RHEL5-NFS/vmlinuz
append initrd=RHEL5-NFS/initrd.img ramdisk_size=6457 method=nfs: ip=dhcp
settings for option 2.

###Creating options message for the PXE boot###
#cd /tftpboot/
#vi boot.msg
Installing RHEL5 You can design this as you like.

2. RHEL5 FTP Set all these according to the entries in /tftpboot/pxelinux.cfg/default


NOTE: Give execute permission for all files in /tftpboot/

###Restart the services###
#service dhcpd start
#service xinetd start
#chkconfig tftp on

Sunday, September 5, 2010



The Network File system is one of the most widely used network services.NFS is based on the
Remote procedure call or Portmap Service.It allows the client to mount,automount and therefore,transparently
access the remote file systems on the network.

Portnumber use:-

Port: 2049 {udp,tcp} by nfs
port: 111 {udp,tcp,sunrpc} by portmap

So, NFS daemon should be listening on both standard ports 2049 and portmap on port 111.

You can Check the portnumber of any protocol or service using following command:-

#cat /etc/services | grep 111 (here 111 is portnumber of portmap service)

#cat/etc/services | grep 2049 (here 2049 is portnumber of nfs)

We can also check the functioning of NFS by rpcinfo command.

#rpcinfo -p

after this we need to define all export folder or directories (all directories u want to share)
in /etc/exports file.

#vim /etc/exports


sync=synchronized mode
no_root_squash= by using this the remote client root user will be treated as a root and will
be able to change any file and directory and work as a root for that directory

Then after this restart the nfs service :-

# /etc/init.d/nfs restart or service nfs restart

If you later add some more exports in the /etc/exports file you can restart the nfs service
or run the exportfs command:

#exportfs -ra

SUDO Configuration Linux (RHEL5)

Sudo is actually stands for SuperUserDO.

Now the question is what is the need of Sudo command in linux.Actually if you have some users in your organization who want to execute some commands or access some files or directories which can be access only by super user i.e root user. So now what will u do ?
You have to give root password to every users who want to run those commands or access those directories or files.

But Guys and Gals this is not the correct solution for this scenario.

You need to implement SUDO .

In SUDO you need not to provide root password to users just to run those commands or access the database. You need to define priviledges for those users on particular command or group of command or more.After that user need to run the same command but the command should start with "sudo".

Syntax of Sudo command:-


here is your full command including options and arguments.

for example:-

sudo ls -l /root